I use the tactile medium of clay as both an artistic expression and a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. Through my work, I invite you to reconnect with nature and reflect on the conflict between humans and nature.” 

Neeti sees her sculptures not merely as objects of aesthetic appreciation but as gateways to deeper understanding and emotional connection. With a strong conviction in highlighting the conflict between nature’s agency and how humans have brought about a paradigm shift tilting it in our own favour, this interplay between the natural world and human civilization forms the backdrop of her work.

Through her biomorphic forms, she highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living beings and ecosystems. She emphasizes the intrinsic value of greater humility and reverence towards the natural world through bold designs, delicate forms, and experimental patterns and textures. Through the prism of clay, she advocates for approaches that prioritize ecological integrity and harmonious coexistence with other life forms.

With a belief that, with nature, one receives far more than one seeks, she hopes to imbibe a sense of awe and transcendence through her work. Through her hand-built sculptures, Neeti calls for ethical reflection, ecological awareness, and collective action to ensure a flourishing future for all beings.

Neeti Gokhalay Kheny (b. 1988) is a Bangalore-based artist who received her Professional Diploma in Visual Communication in 2010 from Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.

Neeti currently runs a design agency called Second: Design + Media, teaches as a visiting faculty at design schools and enjoys running the occasional half marathon.