Month 1 : Museum Object Reconstructed / Translated

I chose the Hair Ornament (Kedige), (Accession number : SCU.01491, Museum of Art & Photography) from Karnataka or Maharashtra (mid 19th century). Early ideation and observations based on the form (that is inspired by the Kewda or screw pine flower) and ornamentation are sketched below:

Translating the object into pixels, but manually with colour pencils:

Duplicating the main form of the hair ornament using miniature painting images found in Marg Magazine. The cutouts were stuck together to create a 3D form and a tassel added for further ornamentation.

Creating a form in clay based only on one of the floral elements on the hair ornament. The aim was to try and replicate some of the characteristics of the flower that is largely flat, into a more 3D form while maintaining symmetry.

Created a more pod like shape based on the original form of the hair ornament and used the idea of granulation in a 3D way as well as “embossed form” to create new patterns that were inspired by the ornamentation on the hair piece. Also added

I also created another hair ornament in clay, that captures the essence of the original ornament (form and design), but is to be used in a different way.

(Not) All the different translations of the original hair ornament

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